Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 2 - 10/27/12

Yunnie, April, Katie, Melanie
the view
a short break

A crisp Fall day.  
We, as four roommates, drove up Provo Canyon. 
Then we scootered or long-boarded down the bike path.
It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun.

Many bikers passed us on our journey.  As did a few rollerbladers. Eventually a gang of long-boarders caught up to us.

"Yeah! Go scooters! Keep up the good work!" They sped past Katie and I as they shouted these sentiments.  I just smiled to myself.  We must seem silly on these scooters while they roar past us with the much faster longboards beneath their feet.  

But my journey was enjoyable.  And I had a brake.  

I watched them course down the steepening hill and wondered how they would slow down or stop; I wondered if they would want to.  Would they keep going, flying over cracks and holes in the pavement, accelerating to great speeds as they wove in and out of the traffic lanes?  Do they fear what will come at the end of the path?  No.  I don't think they do.  They look happy, not reckless.  They look excited, not arrogant.  They are enjoying the day, just as I am.  They feel the sharp wind whipping their faces and laugh with exhilaration.  They do not fear.  They just are.  They are simply living.

My creaky scooter beneath me, I shoved off the asphalt with my left foot, faster and faster until I was gliding swiftly down the path.  I crouched slightly, which accelerated my speed.  The cold made my nose numb and my cheeks burn.  I smiled.  

This is what it is to live, to find the sunshine on a cloudy day.

<3 Mel

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