Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How To: A Guide to Life

Life is Complicated: Make of This What You Will

This is the title my roommate and I are thinking would be great for our co-written book about life.  Last night while we talked away for hours, we laid out the complications life presents—its complexities, joy, pain, tragedy, and greatness.  We decided the contents of our conversation would make a wonderful smorgasbord book of life.  It wouldn't have a thesis or an argument or any sort of point.  It would just be a "thoughts and experiences" book in which the two of us (and any other contributors would be welcome) would just write and write and write about absolutely everything life has to offer.  It would be fantastic.

The past three days for me have truly caused me to think deeply (though the above is a silly rant) about life and what I want to make of it.  Because no matter what my past encompasses, I have control of my future.  I can change the way I think about life and its possibilities.  I don't have to fear divorce just because my parents divorced and my dad has since been divorced three times.  There are happy people in the world.  There are lasting marriages, temple marriages, which last so much longer than the years this earth could offer.  My past doesn't have to determine my present.  I can go to college and receive an education, and I can meet someone who is LDS and marry him.  I can be with him forever.

I have to make those choices, and remove myself from the fears of my past.  There is happiness out there.  Just because my immediate family doesn't necessarily have it doesn't mean it isn't possible.

Life is complicated.  But it is worth it.  I have to make it my own, and only then can I find happiness.

<3 Mel

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