Saturday, October 6, 2012

Look Forward

I'm back again.

I'm lousy at this blogging thing.  It's really a problem.  I can do better.

Today was the first two sessions of October General Conference.  The first session began with one of the more shocking moments of conference I had ever experienced.

President Monson announced that the ages of missionaries has been lowered: young men can now go at age 18 and young women can go at 19.

This was unbelievable! What an incredible announcement.  So many more women can go on missions now that they can leave at 19.  So many of my younger friends posted all over Facebook that they would be leaving on their missions as soon as they turned 19.  What a wonderful time!

It won't affect me directly, but it definitely got me thinking about my future. . .

There is so much to look forward to in life! So many possibilities!

If you take the time to look, there is always sunshine.

<3 Mel

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