Sunday, October 21, 2012

Politics *gag*

Writing when you have nothing to tie yourself to the topic is nothing more than a chore.

It is depressing.  It is hard.  It is upsetting that writing could be turned into something so undesirable.  Particularly when you love writing.  Like I do.

But honestly, politics escape me.  I have no desire to understand the workings of perpetual liars' minds or the complications of weaving those semi-truths (to put it more lightly).

Ouch, I just realized that was pretty harsh.

I apologize for my bad mood.  Somedays you just need to let it out, allow the pressures of ridiculous political essays to escape in unyielding diatribe through your tired fingers.

Someday is today.

That reminds me of an entertaining movie, Knight and Day.  Don't laugh — you know you love Tom Cruise too.

Anyway, in the movie Tom says to Cameron Diaz, "Someday is a dangerous word.  It's really just code for 'never'."

That was very off-track, but how profound! Love it.  Something to think about.

Do what you gotta do, when you gotta do it.  Procrastination is not the answer!

Oh that reminds me, I saw this on Facebook:

Haha! This is so true.

Off-track again.  Maybe that should be my theme for this post.  Ok.

This is good, too:


This is what two political essays—one on conservatism in the 1960s and the other on the Supreme Court—do to me.  They make me delirious.

Just another day, another quest for sunshine.

P.S.  I just realized this is all pretty ironic, considering I'm a history major.

<3 Mel

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