Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pinterest Strikes Again

I tasted heaven today.  It was delicious.

My roommate, in all her awesome baking ability, made the most wonderful snickerdoodles. ever.

Pinterest, the addictive website, is something I generally stay away from because of its addictive nature.  However, this recipe was an exception I will have to make.  Literally—I will have to make the recipe. You get my joke? Yeah that was pretty bad.

Anyway, these cookies are one of those things where you wish you had made more, but at the same time you are SO SO glad that you didn't.  Those are the best kind.

So as I look forward to my coming week, one without heavenly snickerdoodles in sight, I will have to find other wonderful things to fill it with.  At the moment, I can't think of any but I'm sure they will present themselves as I try to stay positive while studying for midterms and doing endless schoolwork. I feel as if there is always so much life to live and not enough time to live it!

On a more serious note, I love this quote from Dieter F. Uchtdorf in his conference talk yesterday:
"We cannot wait until we're about to die to learn how to live!"

Live life and find the sunshine!

<3 Mel

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