Saturday, October 20, 2012

Not Today

My mind is closed today.  My brain has been picked over and left, pulsing and empty.  I cannot retain information today.  I cannot take the information that I cannot retain and put it into streams of words on a page.  I cannot, not today.

I have been attempting to study for my history test and write the two essays that are required, but my mind will not allow it.  It burns and aches and causes my eyes to lose focus.  The words blur, the file boxes in my mind lose their grasp on these newly filed notecards, and they are blown away by the harsh breath of stress and anxiety.  They are carried on this vicious wind through the constricting tunnels of my brain, until they are whisked through the portals through which they came.  They cannot stay, the wind is too strong, the pressure too great. They cannot stay, not today.

The boxes in my mind are both overflowing and empty.  What do they hold, what has stayed?  So many things and nothing.  Nothing at all.  But something.  Something must be there.  It must.

But not today.

Today I do not understand, I cannot comprehend.  Today the notecards cannot stay.  Today is a cloudy day.

Maybe tomorrow.  Perhaps tomorrow they will stay.  Perhaps tomorrow will be a sunny day.

<3 Mel

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