Friday, October 12, 2012


So here's the thing. . . 

I love World War II.  I know, I know, it is all too horrible to contemplate.  Love a war? How dare I?

I just do.  I am utterly fascinated by the stories, by the events, by the horror, by the heroism.  I feel as if there is always more I can learn about it, there are always more personal stories to be recognized.  I am fascinated by people and their experiences, particularly in such a terrible, fearful time.  It's the honest truth.

So I am enrolled in a World War II class (I know! dream. come. true.) and I had my first midterm exam today.  And I am. . . well. . . embarrassed to say that I loved studying for it.  Shameful! Disgraceful! I know. It's just too horrible to contemplate that a college student might enjoy an exam.  

But oh my heck.  I loved studying and writing about different events that I had previously known nothing about.  I loved learning things that are not common knowledge.  I love feeling like I know things.  Honest.  I'm a lunatic.

Have you ever gone back in your memory and actually thought about the subjects you have studied throughout your life?  I bet if you really thought about it, you would be able to find one that excited you, that made you feel like you knew something — something worth knowing.  

Be honest, you know it's true.  

I am a WWII-holic and I am not going to deny it.  So there.  This is my sunshine.

<3 Mel

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