Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Never fear, Brooklyn is here!"

Yesterday's post was about Quebec City, Canada—one of the remarkable places my family and I visited on our cruise this summer from Boston to Montreal.

Today I met a professional blogger.  A professional blogger.  As in, she gets paid ($$money$$) to blog.

Can you say DREAM COME TRUE?

I realize that many people, when encountering such a lucky professional as C. Jane, would say "That's so cool! I wish I could do that!"  But then they would move on with their lives, find some other course of work they would actually love to do, and would forget they ever uttered that comment.

NOT. ME.  I actually truly wish I could blog professionally.  Or write somewhat in bloggish fashion professionally.  What could make me happier?? Nothing, I tell you!

Ok, I'm being a little melodramatic.  But it's the truth — I really couldn't imagine something I would love more.

Here's the problem: In my lifetime I have often felt a lot like Spot Conlon in Newsies, when he's talking to Jack Kelly and is asked if he has anything to say.  He says this:

"I say that what you say. . . is what I say."

Yep, that's how I feel a lot of the time.  I don't really have anything to say because I feel that everyone has already said it all.  So I can just agree with them.  However, I truly feel that if I were given a topic, or I appointed one for myself, I could have things to say and I would love to say them.  I would love to say them without an immediate audience boring into me with their judgmental eyes.  I would love to say them without concern that people wouldn't like me.  I have things to say, and I want them to be heard without first being severely censored by my timidness and fears.

This is what I want, what I hope for.  This is my sunshine.

<3 Mel

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