Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today was Christmas.

I have a copy of Elie Weisel's Night on my shelf at home, so I asked my mom if she could send it to me, since I need to read it for class.

I got a package in the mail today that had Night in it, and other fun things.  My mom also sent the comics from Sunday's paper, my calendar that I accidentally left behind, and a big box of Reese's Puffs.  

She knows me so well.  When I'm at home, I read the comics every morning while eating breakfast.  Since I don't have access to a newspaper while I'm at school, she knows I miss my tradition.  

I called my mom to thank her for the package, and while it was ringing I opened the Reese's Puffs and tossed a few into my mouth.  Completely stale. Yuck.  I was laughing about it when she answered.  Thanks for the treat mom, but they're completely stale.  We had a good laugh.

I am so lucky.  I'm the only student I know that gets packages from her parents.  Have you ever felt just lucky?  Like for once you're not the one who is jealous of someone else? 

That wasn't very eloquent.  But it's true!

As you can tell, I don't have a whole lot to talk about today.  It's been a long week. 

<3 Mel

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