Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Story

First, I need to get this out of the way.

I LOVE Jeremy Renner.  Here is one of the reasons why:

And here's another: (Start at 5:15)

Isn't he just wonderful?

All right.  Back to my regular blog.

Memoir.  That's my assignment this week and let me tell you, it is a tough one.  I have to choose one memory (one!) and delve into it, retrieving every detail and weaving a likable, relatable story from it.  I have one memory in mind.  I feel that this memory, this time in my life, almost perfectly exemplifies who I was (and am, as a result) and what my family was like at that time, and how it all came together in that one day.  Hopefully, if I am able, I will portray through this example exactly what it was to live my life when I was in seventh grade.  Hopefully, if I am able, I will reach out to others with this story and they will be able to piece together their own interpretations and emotional responses to what I say.

I want so badly to get this right, to tell it the way I remember and the way it needs to be told.  If I am able.

This means a lot to me, because it is my story.  It is my life.  It is my memoir.

Tune in tomorrow to hear the story.

<3 Mel

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