Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dreams for the Future

A relaxing day, I'd say. I needed it after such a busy and stressful day yesterday.

I finished my memoir.  I turned it in today.  It was actually a great feeling — almost a relief.  I finally got my story out there and now it's up to the world, or just my teacher, to do with it what they will.

In Eng 220 today I experienced an example of composing personal history — in this case it was oral history.  It hit me with great power that this is something I could see myself doing.  Maybe not always interviewing, but researching and composing histories of people.  I am a history major and I became one because I love people's stories.  They fascinate me.  This is what I want to do.  I don't know how or in what capacity, but I want to research personal histories—go through documents, interviews, keepsakes—and piece together people's lives.  I know this is my dream, I just have to figure out how to accomplish it.

It was a cloudy and rainy (literally) day today, and this realization was just the perfect amount of sunshine.

<3 Mel    

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