Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Sick sick sick.

I'm still sick.  And somehow it seems to be getting worse as the days progress rather than better.  My medicine is additionally no longer functioning properly.  So I'm still sick.  Really sick.

Somehow, though, my sick days also consist of happy things (just like yesterday).  

Today, I got my score back from my first test this semester (Italian 202) and I got 94%! An A! Woohoo!  I felt proud.  Go me! (seriously, I hope these past two days aren't meant to be a lesson in humility. . .)

And then, when I got home from classes, a package from Target was waiting for me! It was my brand-new rainboots that I ordered on Monday.  They came way faster than I expected!  Woohoo!

So, I must conclude that either Heavenly Father is trying to teach me a thing or two about being humble and removing pride from my life, or not skipping classes due to my sickness is bringing me blessings.

Or both.

Probably both.  Or just the former.  Who knows.

Maybe it means that little bits of sunshine can always be found on a cloudy day. . . .  Food for thought.

<3 Mel

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