Sunday, September 23, 2012

La Stella Mia

One week from this moment.  That's how long I've had this cold.  Just so you know.

All right, moving on.  I read this poem for Italian class tonight, and I think it's actually quite interesting. Here is a snippet:

"Odio chi m'ama, ed amo chi mi sprezza.
. . . Così ne la tua scuola, Amor, si face
sempre il contrario di quel ch'egli è degno:
l'umil si sprezza, e l'empio si compiace."

I love the openness of this poem.  I love that it tells a truth, and doesn't really agree or disagree with it.  The narrator is just resigned that this is the way Love goes.  I hate those who love me and love those who despise me.  It's so very sad.  But, she says, this is just the way it goes — you want what you can't have, and don't truly appreciate what is in front of you.  It's definitely a lesson to think about as we go about our lives, meeting new friends, reconnecting with old ones, and loving life.

Remember to always look for your own sunshine. . .

<3 Mel

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