Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Today I am grateful for memory and the ability to record and study history.

I am grateful for a grandfather with whom I can have intelligent conversations about Lincoln, World War II, and 1970s politics.  I am grateful that I can learn so much from him, just by listening and asking him questions for a couple of hours.

I am grateful for my mom and grandmother who are working diligently on our family history.

I am grateful for the sunshine of San Diego, and for my car.  I am grateful for the opportunity I have to drive my car around town with the windows rolled down, listening to music.

I am grateful for long talks about the past, present, and future while stuck in traffic on the I-5.

I am grateful to be living in this time period, however difficult it may be.

I am grateful for brand-new bath towels that are fuzzy and don't leave you wet after you've tried to dry off.

I am grateful for a new toothbrush.  The other one was very prickly.

<3 Mel

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