Thursday, December 6, 2012

Optimism Beats Pessimism Every Time

So here's a bummer for the day:

I went to the grocery store today and bought myself a bag of air, but when I opened it there were chips inside! I hate when they put chips in my bag of air.  It's irritating.

Ok ok here's the real bummer for the day:

I didn't get the scholarship to go to Italy in the spring. Sad, sad day.  BUT I am starting a new application for a different scholarship and am looking into doing an internship program in Italy in the spring, instead of the intensive language program the first scholarship was for.  SO, things are already looking up, and in the meantime I need to focus focus focus on finals.

Because after finals. . .  it's CHRISTMAS!

I bet you didn't already get this from my other recent blog posts, but I LOVE CHRISTMASTIME! and I am incredibly excited to be going home and spending this festive time with my family. 

Three weeks of holiday greatness, baby! Yeah!

That is all for today. I have a lot of work to do.

The sunshine is coming!

<3 Mel  

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